SDG 2 - No Hunger
SDG 2, also known as "Zero Hunger," has become more than just a global goal at ILMA University. In a remarkable display of compassion and dedication, the university, in collaboration with NGOs and volunteers, organized iftar drives during the holy month of Ramadan, serving as a beacon of hope to those in need while addressing the pervasive issue of hunger within the community. These initiatives not only provided essential meals to the less privileged but also underscored ILMA University's unwavering commitment to eliminating hunger, making a significant impact. Furthermore, the university's commitment to tackling food-related challenges extends to its own student body as well, with the launch of affordable meal rates. In a dual-pronged approach, ILMA students have also launched a food waste campaign, exemplifying their deep-seated dedication to the principles of SDG 2.
Food Bank
Previous Version: ILMA/PM/17-19/ADMN/X61
New version: ILMA/PM/19-22/ADMN/XX61
Policy Created: March 09, 2017
Policy Reviewed: March 12, 2019
The ILMA University recognizes its responsibility for the provision of healthy and sustainable food to our staff, students, and visitors in the campus. This policy sets out the University’s intentions to minimize the impact of its food related operations on the environment, and to promote sustainable practices and consumption.
Scope of the Policy
• This policy applies to the cafeteria(s) and other food outlets in departments and campus(s) of the University.
• All suppliers will be expected to assist the university in meeting the sustainable food management policy.
• The policy applies to all aspects of sustainable food, including procurement, preparation, provision, food waste and waste management and education.
• Ensure availability of food choices for all on campus, including vegetarian and vegan food.
• Ensure the availability of affordable food options in the cafeteria(s) at subsidized rates.
• Reduce the consumption of dairy products.
• Promote the consumption of more plant-based foods.
• Reduce food wastage.
• Source food and other products locally whenever possible.
• Communicate the commitment to sustainable food to customers, staff and suppliers.
• Do not sell any single use plastic bottles and reduce the use of all plastic packaging.
• Continue to implement forward thinking sustainability best practice.
• Monitor performance against policy aims, including of setting sustainable food targets, and reporting regularly on performance against these.
• Examine this policy bi-annually (every other year) and amend targets.
• Work with suppliers to progress our sustainability agenda including incorporating this policy as part of the contract documentation for all preferred Food suppliers and contracted caterers.
• Engage with other operators on University sites including outside caterers and departments not provided for by the University cafeteria(s), to encourage adoption of this policy and its objectives.
Roles and responsibilities
• The University has a responsibility to procure food in a sustainable manner in accordance with its environmental sustainability vision, policy and strategy.
• The Head(s) of Administration has overall responsibility for the implementation of this policy in all departments and campus(s).
• Responsibilities include application of the principles and practical delivery of this policy within the departments and campus(s).
• Minimize the food wastage
• Ensure meals choice for all, including vegetarian and vegan.
• Ensure availability of affordable meal options at subsidized rates
• Ensure Cleanliness and hygiene of the cafeteria.
• Ensure food recycling
• Carbon emissions per kilo of food procured (kgs of carbon per kg of food procured).
• Carbon emissions from food per Rupee revenue.
• Carbon emissions from food per transaction.
• Kilograms of meat and dairy purchased as a proportion of total food purchased.
• Proportion of plant-based meals served.
• Kilograms of food waste generated.
• Number of single use takeaway disposables used.
• Life cycle impact per kilo food purchased (specifically carbon and where possible land use, water use and other environmental metrics).
• Communication and engagement
• Spread the awareness of this policy through newsletters, websites and intranets, and other University publications. Encourage its adoption by all campus(s), departments and outside caterers as well.
• Conduct workshops, seminars and other events to promote healthy eating and sustainable food procurement, including vegan options.
• Include a requirement for adherence to this policy in all new projects (including new cafeteria(s) and supplier contracts).
• Engaging with suppliers to better understand their supply chains and to support our suppliers in their own sustainable procurement of food items.
• Share the policy and its results with external stakeholders through awards entries, articles and other promotional activities.
Cafeteria Management
• Cafeteria(s) staff must be adequately trained and supervised
• On-campus dining options must be available for everyone, including vegetarian and vegan options
• Promote and encourage healthy food choices.
• Ensure food recycling.
• Any new or replacement cooking/catering equipment should seek to provide efficiencies in energy consumption.
• Conduct energy audits to identify ways to reduce consumption within cafeteria(s).
• Educate and train cafeteria staff for energy saving.
• Minimize the consumption of fish.
• While procuring the fish or other food from aquatic environment investigate properly about the capture method of that particular product, with an aim to purchase more sustainable alternatives, wherever possible.
• Use variety of different species of white fish to reduce pressure on sensitive stocks.
Fairly Traded Products
• Ensure that every product used in campus(s) is fairly traded across the supply chains.
Fruit and vegetables
• Aim to develop menus which make use of seasonal fruit and vegetables, where practically possible.
• Source fruit and vegetables from local suppliers where possible.
• Where possible procure fruit and vegetables from low impact production systems.
• Consider the feasibility of growing fruit and vegetables on the University land.
Plastics and Packaging
• Eliminate the use of non-recyclable plastics and reduce the use of all single use disposable items. Using compostable options where this is impossible.
• Encourage our suppliers to go plastic-free.
• Increase awareness in the community to move away from single use non-recyclable plastic.
• ILMA University will continue to minimize the single use of plastic bottles for beverages and water.
Furthermore, plastic free options such as cans, glass or compostable bottles will be used.
• Make arrangements and educate relevant employees to reduce the water usage in the kitchen.
• Ensure availability of clean drinking water in all the buildings and campus(s) of ILMA University.
• In order reduce environmental effect, eco-friendly cleansers and detergents will be used.
• Work with the research department to carry out research linked to food sustainability, for improving monitoring, performance and impacts over time.
Food Waste Management
• Aim to achieve a significant reduction in waste in all cafeteria operations.
• Monitor food waste records in order to assess portion size and therefore implement portion control sizes to avoid unnecessary waste.
• Ensure waste issues are on the agenda at yearly meetings.
• For on-going measurement, relevant departments must maintain daily logs of separated food waste, covering three areas including kitchen and production waste, prep waste, plate waste from customers, service waste and spoilage waste.
• Review data at the end of the year to determine patterns.
• Implement waste minimization plans and develop improved procedures, rules, or menus.
• Examine menus to find and eliminate items that are commonly wasted.
• Ensure food recycling.
• Timely send the oil for recycling.
• Reduce use of cooking oil.
• Conduct food waste awareness drives, workshops and seminars with both staff, students and general public.
Action Plan for food insecurity and hunger
1. The University’s body of administration department is responsible for identifying and resolving all issues pertaining to food insecurity. Students who show any signs of hunger will be treated with the utmost priority by the body of administration department.
2. The University encourages the staff and students to volunteer to charitable causes and events that tackle directly or indirectly issues pertaining to food insecurity and hunger.
3. The University encourages the event organizers to not dispose of food items but to donate them to people in need, within and out of the University.
4. The University encourage academics to engage in community services. The community services comprise of decisions and actions that tackle issues of food insecurity and hunger directly or indirectly.
5. ILMA University shall conduct seminars and workshops to counter the food insecurity and hunger in the society.
Sustainable Food: Food that is produced, processed, distributed and disposed of in ways that:
• It contributes to the thriving sustainable livelihoods and local economies, in Pakistan and in producer countries (in the case of imported products).
• Protect the diversity of both plants and animals and the welfare of farmed and wild species,
• Avoid damaging or wasting natural resources or contributing to climate change;
• Provide social benefits, such as good quality food, safe and healthy products, and educational opportunities.
Fairly Traded
This concerns companies/products which are not officially registered as Fairtrade by the certification standard but that do take into account their environmental and social impact.
Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers.
Low Impact Food Production
Approach where farmers work with, not against nature, and where nature is integrated into farming. It uses ecosystem-based approaches often requiring more knowledge and labour per hectare than those based on chemical inputs—running contrary to monoculture and standard production.
Prep Waste
Waste generated as a by-product of the preparation of meals
Spoilage Waste
This is food waste that has been thrown by employees and is completely under the responsibility of Cafeteria Staff. Trim waste, Overproduction waste, spoiling, overdone products, contaminated, expiration, and dropped items are all included.
Service Leftovers
This is food that has been cooked and is ready to serve, but has not yet been served to customers. It cannot be used again after being reheated as part of a batch-cooking process. The most effective way to reduce this is to correctly identify sale or uptake volumes.
Plate Waste
Food that has been prepared and is ready to serve but has not yet been served to clients. It can't be used again after being reheated as part of a batch-cooking process. Correct identification of sale or uptake volumes is the greatest way to minimize this.
This Sustainable Procurement Policy Was Created to Ensure That All University Staff Involved in the Procurement of Goods and Services Recognize How Their Procurement Decisions Can Help to Improve and Protect Our Shared Environment. Moreover, They Can Also Contribute to Society's Health and Well-being, and Build a Sustainable Economy.
Scope Of Policy
ILMA University’s Sustainable Procurement Policy Applies to Anybody Who Specifies and Purchases Items and Services on Behalf of the Ilma University and Thus to All Commercial Expenditure, Regardless of Funding Source.
Policy Statement
• The ILMA University's Procurement Strategy Must Comply With the Commitment to Reduce Carbon Footprint and Evaluate the Environmental and Social Impact of Our Actions.
• All Procurement Decisions Must Apply the Principles of the Circular Economy by Incorporating Ethical, Sustainable, and Life Cycle Concerns.
• Promote the Waste Hierarchy of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.
• Encourage People to Use Ethical Vendors and Supply Chains.
• Incorporate Circular Economy Principles Into Product and Service Purchase, Usage, and Disposal to Reduce Negative Environmental Impacts.
• Ensure That Existing Assets and Resources Are Used to Their Full Potential.
• Identify Opportunities for Long-term Solutions by Collecting and Reporting on Appropriate KPIs.
• Raise Awareness and Make Sure That Environmental, Social, and Whole-life Cost Criteria Are Considered When Determining the Greatest Value for Money and Making Purchase Decisions.
• Promote the Specification and Selection of Products and Services That Have a Low Environmental Effect While Also Having a Positive Influence on Society and the Economy.
• Develop Excellent Practice Through Relevant Networks, Benchmarking, and Training, and Communicate the Sustainable Procurement Policy to Its Staff, Students, Contractors, and Suppliers.
• Promote Best Sustainable Procurement Practices by Easing the Information Accessibility and Availability to All.
• Conduct Seminars and Workshops for the Awareness of the Community Related Sustainable Procurement Practices.
Policy Related to Contractors and Suppliers
• Observe National and International Environmental and Human Rights Norms, and Promote a Strategic Approach to Long-term Development and Progress.
• Encourage Local, Regional, Sme, and Ethnic Minority Vendors to Compete for University Business, and Remove Entry Obstacles.
• Adopt Sustainable Techniques to Product and Service Production, as well as Within Their Supplier Chains, Including Efforts to Reduce Packaging Waste
• Take Constructive Actions to Improve Performance for Achieving Sustainability Objectives by Considering the Social, Economic, and Environmental Implications of Their Products, Services, and Operations.
• Educate the Supplier Market on the Ilma University's Sustainability Policies, Aims, and Aspirations.
Circular Economy: It is a Production and Consumption Model, Which Involves Sharing, Reusing, Refurbishing, Repairing, and Recycling Existing Products and Materials as Much as Possible. In This Way, the Life Cycle of Products is Extended. In Practice, It Implies Reducing Waste to a Minimum.
Research Publications
Title | Publications Partnerships | Journal Name | Articles |
How Agricultural Technologies and Climatic Factors Affect India's Crop Production? A Roadmap Towards Sustainable Agriculture | National Institute of Technology, India; Aligarh Muslim University, India; National Institute of Technology, India | Sustainable Development | Article Link |
Information and Communication Technology Deployment and Agricultural Value Chain Nexus in Nigeria | Covenant University, Nigeria; Federal University of Technology, Nigeria | Heliyon | Article Link |
Causality and Interdependencies Among Sustainable Development Goals: Assessing the Nexus of Agriculture, Environment, and Finance Development | Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China; Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China | Environmental Science and Pollution Research | Article Link |
Green Economy and Food Security in Africa | Universiti Tenega Nasional (UNITEN), Malaysia; University of Cape Coast, Ghana; Nanchang Institute of Technology, China; Covenant University, Nigeria | Environment, Development and Sustainability | Article Link |
Poverty Prevalence and Negative Spillovers in Sub-Saharan Africa: a Focus on Extreme and Multidimensional Poverty in the Region | Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria; University of Eldoret, Eldoret, Kenya | International Journal of Emerging Markets | Article Link |
Events and Projects
The ILMA Student Food Bank Nourished Over 1,126+ Students and Distributed 23,700+ Pounds of Food, Highlighting Its Commitment to Combating Food Insecurity. Ilma University Ensures Students Have Access to Nutritious Food, Allowing Them to Focus on Their Education. The Food Bank's Success Stems From Dedicated Volunteers and the Support of Local Businesses and Donors. Initiatives Like Pop-up Food Drives and Partnerships With Local Organizations Enhanced Food Accessibility and Fostered a Sense of Community Among Students. These Efforts Align With Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2: Zero Hunger, Demonstrating Ilma University’s Dedication to Creating a Supportive Academic Environment for All.

The Launch of the Budget-friendly Meal for Sustainable Food Access Program Aims to Enhance Food Security in Line With Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 2. This Initiative Provides Nutritious, Affordable Meals in the University Cafeteria for About 600 Students Daily. By Sourcing Ingredients Locally and Focusing on Seasonal Produce, the Program Reduces Food Waste, Supports Local Farmers, and Strengthens the Local Economy. This Commitment to Accessible, Healthy Food Options Fosters a More Equitable Food System and Enhances Community Well-being, Addressing Immediate Nutritional Needs While Promoting Sustainable Practices.

The Staff Meal Support Program Has Been Launched to Enhance Employee Well-being by Providing Nutritious, Affordable Meals. Lower-tier Staff Receive Free Meals at the University Cafeteria, While Deans, Faculty, and Department Heads Enjoy Subsidized Meals. Serving Approximately 200 Meals Daily, This Initiative Promotes Health and Wellness, Fostering a Strong Sense of Community. This Commitment Reflects the University's Dedication to Creating a Thriving Workplace and Improving Overall Employee Satisfaction by Prioritizing Their Nutritional Needs.

A Grand Iftar Event Was Held on March 28, 2023, Attended by Students, Alumni, Staff, and Esteemed Guests, Including Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori . The Gathering Emphasized the University’s Commitment to Inclusivity and Community, With the Governor Highlighting the Importance of Unity in Building a Cohesive Society. This Event Celebrated Collaboration and Mutual Understanding Among Diverse Backgrounds, Reinforcing the University's Role in Fostering a Harmonious Community.

The Hope in a Bag Initiative Has Been Launched to Support 66 Widows in the Community Facing Difficult Circumstances. This Program Provides Essential Bags Filled With Crucial Supplies to Ensure These Women Receive the Necessary Resources for Their Daily Lives. By Addressing Immediate Needs, the Initiative Fosters Hope and Dignity While Reinforcing the Community’s Commitment to Supporting Vulnerable Members. This Effort Reflects a Dedication to Social Responsibility and Uplifting Those in Need.

A Seminar Titled From Your Balcony to Your Plate Organic and Local Farming at Home Was Held to Reaffirm ILMA University's Commitment to Social Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability . The Event Attracted Over 120 Participants, Including the Vice Chancellor, Faculty, and Students. Local Experts Shared Practical Skills for Cultivating Organic Produce and Highlighted the Benefits of Supporting Local Farming Practices That Contribute to Food Security and Reduce Carbon Footprints . Following the Seminar, a Plantation Drive on Campus Resulted in Planting Over 100 Trees, Demonstrating Ilma University's Dedication to Environmental Stewardship. Through These Initiatives, the University Actively Supports Alleviating Hunger, Promoting Sustainability, and Fostering a Resilient Community.

A Series of Vibrant Events, Including the ILMA Wellness and Champion League Carnival, WFF, and Basant , Showcased Community Collaboration and Local Entrepreneurship, Attracting Around 1,000 Attendees Each. Featuring Approximately 50 Local Vendors and 20 Student Startups, These Gatherings Allowed Students and Vendors to Offer Delicious Meals at Reduced Prices While Retaining Their Profits. Supported by Rotary International, Ngc Noman Group of Companies, and a Team Sponsored by California Pizza, the Events Fostered an Engaging Atmosphere That Empowered Local Vendors. By Promoting Affordable Food Options, These Initiatives Enhanced Community Spirit and Supported Local Businesses, Celebrating Collaboration and Solidarity.

ILMA University is Committed to Offering a Wide Variety of Healthy and Affordable Food Options Across All Its Campuses , Ensuring That Students and Staff Have Access to Meals That Align With Both Wellness and Sustainability Principles. Recognizing the Growing Demand for Vegan and Plant-based Diets, the University Has Prioritized These Options in Its Cafeteria Menus . By Doing So, ILMA Not Only Cater to Diverse Dietary Needs and Preferences but Also Supports Ethical and Eco-friendly Food Practices. The University's Dedication to Healthy Eating Reflects a Broader Effort to Foster a Campus Culture Where Nutrition is Prioritized as a Fundamental Part of Well-being. The Cafeteria Menu is Predominantly Vegan, With a Significant Emphasis on Using Fresh, Locally Sourced Ingredients Wherever Possible. A Variety of Meal Choices, From Hearty Plant-based Entrees to Fresh Salads and Whole-Grain Dishes, Are Prepared Daily to Ensure That Students Have Access to Balanced and Nutritious Options. There is also a Focus on Minimally Processed Foods, Helping Students Avoid Unhealthy Additives While Still Enjoying Flavorful Meals. The Diverse Vegan Menu Not Only Promotes Healthier Lifestyles but Also Introduces Students to a More Sustainable Approach to Food, Aligning With ILMA University's Green Campus Initiatives and Environmental Sustainability Goals.
ILMA University Annually Hosts a Vibrant Event Known as the Food Mela a Food Festival That Celebrates Diverse Flavors, Cultures, and Culinary Artistry . This Event Attracts Both Students and Faculty, as well as the Wider Community, Creating an Atmosphere of Excitement and Togetherness. The University’s Food Mela Showcases a Wide Array of Food Stalls, Each Offering a Unique Selection of Cuisines From Around the World. From Traditional Pakistani Street Food to International Delicacies, the Festival Caters to a Wide Range of Tastes, Encouraging Participants to Explore and Enjoy Different Culinary Traditions. Each Stall at the Food Mela is Usually Managed by Students, Departments, or Local Vendors , Turning It Into a Lively Platform for Entrepreneurship, Creativity, and Teamwork. Many Stalls Feature Themes or Presentations That Highlight Different Cultural Aspects, Giving Visitors a Taste of Not Only the Food but Also the Customs Associated With Each Cuisine. For Students, the Food Mela Provides Hands-on Learning About Event Management, Marketing, and Customer Service, as They Coordinate the Logistics of the Stalls, Manage Finances, and Engage in Food Safety Practices. The University Also Supports Environmental Responsibility by Encouraging Stallholders to Use Eco-friendly Packaging and Minimize Food Waste.